In order for a teacher to be deemed negligent there must be a duty owed, duty violated, injury must be foreseeable, and the negligent behavior of the teacher must be a proximate cause of the injury. In regard to this case the teacher was deemed negligent because the teacher had students playing in a 90 degree gym nonstop without having mandatory water breaks. The teacher was also playing instead of supervising.
In order to protect yourself in a court of law make sure to always have a lesson play for each day along with the state standards which the activity meets. Also if a student is injured make sure to write up an injury report that tells in detail how the injury occurred and the emergency procedures that followed. Keep a list of witnesses, it is best if they are adults, but students will work too. Another thing to do is have a building accident procedures in writing before the accident. If you follow all these procedures then you increase your chances of winning your case if you are ever put into court.
Take a look at the 4 pieces of negligence again.