Tim McCord, Titusville Middle School physical education teacher, now grades students on how long students are staying active in their target heart rate zones. "We’d always based grades on whether kids dressed for class, how they did on skills tests, and a totally subjective idea of whether they were working hard," McCord says. "But I couldn’t really tell. How did I know whether a kid was working hard? Now, here was a way to know for sure." I think his "new P.E." curriculum is a breath of fresh air. All P.E. programs that are still taught with a drill Sargent and are graded purely on skill tests of team sports need to adapt this new P.E. way of teaching. We're in the 20th century and have lots of technology and education to teach physical education with a purpose so that every child can enjoy P.E. as well as learn skills that will allow them to live a long and healthy life.
There are many advantages of having a "new P.E." curriculum like Tim McCords. Students no longer have to worry about so much competition in P.E. class. They can still maintain a great grade as long as they are trying their best. This new curriculum focuses more on movement than team sports. Dance, aerobics, and fitness have all been integrated into the curriculum. Students have also begin so socialize more with the whole class. "You’ll notice they don’t hang out in groups of athletes and non-athletes anymore," McCord says. "The kids talk to each other now. They don’t worry so much about being different." Technology such as heart rate monitors, DDR, and exercise machines have all made exercising fun for students. The only disadvantages about technology in a P.E. setting is that it is expensive and costs money to fix when the equipment breaks down. Also certain technologies take away from social interaction, both among the students and teacher. I also think it is important to not go away all together with team sports. The best P.E. program will teach students the skills of team sports, fitness, aerobics, dance, include technology, and teach in different styles when it is appropriate in the units. There would also be authentic and alternative assessments.
I agree with the last statement you make here. A well-rounded program that utilizes technology and mixes in lots of aerobic units with team sports will be the most successful. Good connection.