Thursday, October 22, 2009

Teaching Behaviors

I find all the pre-assessment definitions to be important in teaching physical education. The four that i find are most important are extending, intratask variation, tansition, and informing. Extending is making a task harder for students who can perform a task correctly or making a task easier for students who are having a hard time with a task. This is extremely important because when teaching a big class of students not all students will be at the same physical level or be able to perform the activity you have planned in your lesson. By extending your activities up and down you will be able to have all students participate in the activity. Intratask variation is usually used with individuals or small groups. It is having the more skilled students move from the skills to a task while the other students still practice the original skill until they get it right. The reason it is so important to me is because I want every student to be able to learn the activity but at the same time I don't want to students who already can perform the activity with accuracy to be bored with it. I want them to be able to progress with the skill and not have to wait. By using intratask variation everyone wins. Transition is the time it takes students to move from one task to another. It is important to know how long your transitions take during a lesson. You want to have the fastest transitions as possible to make more time for students to practice the skill being learned. Lastly informing is giving students proper instructions and demonstrations of a task or skill. This is very important to me because if a teacher can not properly demonstrate or explain a skill there is no way a student will be able to learn it properly. If a teacher does not know a lot about a lesson they must do research and have a student in the class who is good at the skill demonstrate. That is why i think these are important in physical education. I use all four of these concepts in every lesson I teach. For example I always try and make the fastest transition possible. In previous modules we have had peers filling out forms for us letting us know what percent of our lesson was spent on transitions. This information allowed me to make adjustments if transitions were taking to long. For every activity in my lesson i have a greater extension as well as a lower extension to allow all students to participate in the activity. I always try to give descriptive instructions and a good demonstration for each activity so the students understand how to perform the activity. Intratask variation is something I would like to include into my lessons more often.

1 comment:

  1. Nice entry - just make sure you double check your work for grammar, spelling, punctuation & new paragraphs!!!
